As citizens of Singapore, we pledge our undying love for food. This little red dot that we call home boasts a plethora of food options. Find out which local hawker dish best represents you!
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Eatbook Quiz: Which Singapore Hawker Dish Are You?
You’re easy-going and reliable. Just like how prata goes well with a variety of toppings, you go with the flow in life. Prata is everyone’s go-to for supper, and akin to this, you have your friends’ back at any time of the day. Your dependability makes you an unwavering loyal companion to those around you.
Chicken Rice
It comes as no surprise that you easily make friends. You're outgoing and friendly, quickly making those around you feel at ease. Your charisma is evident in your confidence through the way you present yourself.
Nasi Lemak
Deep down you have an old soul and you look back at the good old times with fondness. Despite changing times and popular trends, you stick to your traditional values and won’t compromise it either way.
Hokkien Mee
You’re a homebody. It’s difficult to catch you at social gatherings 'cause you much rather stay at home and chill. At the end of a work day, you’ll rush back home to laze on the sofa with snacks in one hand and the remote control in the other.
Just like how laksa is spicy and tangy, you’re one feisty individual. You’re not afraid to voice your opinion and speak your mind. Though you’re loud and expressive, you take your time to consider both sides of the situation before taking a stand.
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