10 Overrated Food Trends That Really Need To "Maintain" - Eatbook.sg - Local Singapore Food Guide And Review Site
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10 Overrated Food Trends That Really Need To “Maintain”

5th August 2015

1.Llao Llao


At the expense of alienating myself from the rest of Singapore, I must say I don’t get the hype over Llao Llao. Yes, I’ve tried it. And at best, the icy yogurt that reeks of skimmed milk is average. It’s not that cheap either so I can’t understand the never-ending queues for Llao Llao.

2.Spam Fries

Why is everyone going crazy over deep-fried processed meat out of a can? I understand the nostalgia behind a slice of spam on a sandwich or with a plate of fried bee hoon. But making something so unhealthy even more sinful is truly beyond me.

3.Charcoal Flavoured Food

stateland1Charcoal may be the new black, but for some reason, charcoal flavoured food just seems like a huge gimmick. Other than incorporating an air of mystery to your food, charcoal doesn’t actually have a taste. Which means it’s kind of pointless to add it to your food.


Omaspoon1Gigantic portions aside, it is nonsensical to pay $18 for a bowl glorified ice kachang.

5.Truffle in Everything

Pacamara Truffle FriesI love truffle fries, but I have to say it’s annoying when restaurants and cafes start adding truffle in everything. Apparently there’s even a truffle wanton mee now.

6.Rainbow Cakes


Sure, rainbow cakes are pretty and whimsical and all that. But beyond their pretty facade, often lies layers of dry and tasteless sponge sandwiched between artificial tasting buttercream. You’d think this fad would die out after people actually taste the cake. Sadly, it seems that whatever is instagrammable is here to stay… regardless of how it tastes.

7.Coconut Water


I understand why Westerners like coconut water. Their lack of readily available fresh coconuts make bottled coconut water a great alternative. But why Singaporeans prefer a processed, bottled option to fresh coconuts remains an unsolved mystery to me. Especially when we have free access to the best coconuts from Malaysia and Thailand.

8.Overpriced Brunch Eggs

Pacamara Salmon RoyaleCan everyone get over $20 poached eggs already? We all know most places use hollandaise out of the carton anyway. The truth is you could probably replicate a simple breakfast dish for under $10 at your own home. But then again, we’re all too lazy for that aren’t we? So take all our money Pacamara! You deserve it because your breakfast is not as pricey, but just as good.

9.Red Velvet Cakes


Having eaten tons of red velvet cakes before, I really can’t tell the difference between a normal chocolate cake and a red velvet cake. The only saving grace of this over-hyped dessert is probably the cream cheese frosting. But who am I to tell everyone to stop eating their favourite chemically coloured dessert? Oh wait, that’s exactly what I’m doing right now.

10.Salted Egg


I’ve lost count of how many salted egg dishes I’ve tasted over the year, it’s on fries, crab, pasta, and everything under the sun! I know, it’s delicious, but is it really necessary to pour it on everything and slap an SG50 label on it? I think I can make it official, salted egg is the new truffle oil of 2015.

This post was brought to you by me. Yes I paid for (mostly) everything 😉

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