Subway Singapore has stopped serving pork Image credit: @subway According to Subway Singapore’s post on Facebook, the chain restaurant has now stopped serving pork at all outlets. They are also in the process of…
Food News
Halal seafood bucket spots worth getting your hands dirty at I’m sure that by now everyone is no stranger to seafood buckets, where you have a bucket full of sumptuous seafood doused in rich,…
Cafe Reviews Halal Malay
Upeh Cafe Review: Hipster Cafe With Traditional Malay Dishes And Fried Durian Balls
Upeh Cafe serves both traditional and hipster dishes Singapore’s food scene is constantly changing and so are our taste buds. With the influx of new food creations getting into the scene, traditional dishes are…
Halal Hawker Interviews Hawker Reviews Singaporean
Ridhuan’s Muslim Delights Stall: Halal Zi Char Filled With Wok Hei By A Muslim Convert
Ridhuan’s Muslim Delights has a story behind the stall Finding a halal zi char stall in Singapore is like finding a needle in a haystack. Finding a good halal zi char stall is even…
Halal zi char eateries around Singapore When I was in junior college, the place to find me every Tuesday and Thursday evenings would be the zi char stall at Dover street. Twice a week,…
Halal Hawker Reviews Thai
Sedap Thai Review: Halal-certified Mookata At $20 For Two Found At Jalan Besar
Sedap Thai serves affordable and halal mookata Though I enjoy chatting over brunch at a pretty cafe with my friends, it can get boring really quickly. That’s why my friends and I sometimes turn…