You Can Now Get Freshly Made Brown Sugar Bubble Milk In A Can - - Local Singapore Food Guide And Review Site
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You Can Now Get Freshly Made Brown Sugar Bubble Milk In A Can

22nd August 2019

Brown sugar bubble milk in a can

Artea brown sugar milk tea
Image credit:

Bubble tea joints have invaded almost every corner of Singapore. So brands need to find ways to stand out from their competitors, whether it’s coming up with a new flavour or a spiffy new packaging, a.k.a ARTEA’s latest Canned Brown Sugar Bubble Milk.

Priced at $5.20, this new drink is freshly made upon order, and features a can filled with brown sugar pearls, fresh milk that’s then topped with a layer of treacly brown sugar foam. Thereafter, it’s fitted with a soda can lid and sealed by a fancy cool machine. 

To drink this concoction, pop open the lid like how you would with a can of Coke, and stuff your bubble tea straw in. This is great for those who can never seem to poke through your BBT cups gracefully without spilling.

The gimmick level is definitely high, since it’s prepared the same way as a regular BBT. However, its IG-worthy factor gives it an added advantage, and we are sure many would opt for this canned brown sugar bubble milk over ARTEA’s regular cups.

I’m also confident that I will see this canned BBT making an appearance at parties, seeing as how many folks are ordering bubble tea as door gifts at birthdays and even weddings.


ARTEA is known for pushing out pretty eats that are 100% on trend. An example is their souffle pancakes that came out last year, following the opening of many Japanese pancake joints in SIngapore. Priced at $9.50, their Strawberry Souffle comes with edible gold leaf sheet and a scoop of PaddlePop-hued ice-cream.

Their dishes are not only easy on the eyes, but also extremely delicious. So you can rest assured that you won’t be disappointed by their fare, even if you’re not a rainbow-lovin’ foodie

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Address: 1 Harbourfront Walk, #01-100/101, Vivocity, Singapore 098585
Opening hours: Daily 11am to 10pm
Tel: 8305 2712

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